Thursday, August 25, 2011

Introductory Post

Hi Everyone,
I am a graduating senior at SJSU (San Jose State University). My major is psychology and I will graduate after passing all my courses this semester. This is my second communication course. The first course was an "in the class room" speech course. I am a bit nervous about this as I have never set up a blog. This is also my second on-line course so that is a bit intimidating along with the blogging concept.
It never hurts to learn something new and since we are the millennial generation and technology along with social networking is suppose to be our nitch I guess I need to embrace the blogging concept.
I enjoy watching college football and going to our home games. Yes, I do tailgate. If the team is playing an away game within the state of California I will travel to watch the game.
In my personal life my mom,older sister and I moved to California in 2006 when my grandparents called my mom and asked her to move back to the Bay Area to help them since they had retired. My grandfather passed away last year in August and my grandmother passed away over the summer in July. Once my mother is able to settle my grandparents affairs we plan on moving out of the state of California. We figure that will be early next year. I plan on continuing my education and earning both my Masters and PhD in my field of study.
I hope this helps you get to know me better.

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