Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Question 2-Communication levels and relationships

I am a big fan of drinking Starbucks Coffee. I really need my coffee in the morning. So I would go to the Starbucks located close to campus my freshman year and have ever since (I am now a graduating senior). One of the girls there took my order every morning and at first it was an I-It communication process. I gave a coffee order, she took it, charged me, and then gave me the product. As time went on the relationship changed, especially when I found out she was also a student at SJSU. We began to get to know each other and talked about how the football, basketball, other sports teams were doing. This put us in the I-You communication level heading for the I-Thou communication level. In my sophomore year she became my roommate in the dorms without us even realizing it until she moved in. See we never actually exchanged names prior to being roommates we just had casual conversations. Once we became roommates we became good friends. It really is amazing in looking back on things how the communication levels changed.
Thanks for reading my post.


  1. Hi Katrina,

    That is so crazy that this girl you had seen every day at Starbucks became your roommate by coincidence later on. Kind of cool that you already had some what of a relationship with her so it wasn't awkward moving in with someone you had never met. I know for my freshmen year when I lived in the dorms, I was really nervous because being an only child I had never shared anything let alone a bedroom. My roommate and I actually went on to be roommates in an apartment that next year and are still friends to this day. I thought the most interesting thing about this section was the fact that it opened my eyes to how relationships evolve through communication.

  2. Hi Katrina,

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I am also a big fan of drinking Starbucks coffee, in particular their iced lattees, mochas,and their seasonal drinks( I can't wait for the Pumpkin Spice Latte and Peppermint Mocha to come out!)
    That is so fascinating and such a small world that the girl that used to take your drink every morning ended up becoming your roommate by accident. It's interesting how life works and how much communication plays a role in our lives. Especially at a place at Starbucks where the baristas are structured as a machine where they have this process where one person takes the orders, while the other(s) make the drinks. I heard recently, that Starbucks is trying to create a slower process so that instead of just acting like machines, the baristas will be able to give the customers a more friendly service, to create a more soothing and welcoming environment. They want their baristas to have more efficient communication with their customers so they will leave with their drink or order, being satisfied. Great post!

    -little miss daisy
