Monday, December 5, 2011

Question 1- what I learned

I have learned over the course of the semester that communication begins from the day we are born through the day we die. We develop our individual style of communication based on our gender, culture, language, perception, and interactions with others. Both verbal and nonverbal communication is important to the growth of us as individuals. It is just as important to listen and understand what the other person is saying as well as accepting to their point of view on a given situation. As much as I may not agree with an opposing view point it is important to be able to hear and accept what the other person may be saying so that I have the opportunity to grow as an individual by opening myself up to new ideas and concepts which would normally differ from my own. The main thing I am taking away from this course is that it is up to me to invest in relationship. Make sure to invest in the friendship/relationship otherwise the bond will dissolve overtime. You get out of the relationship the time and effort you put into it.
Thanks Katrina
I hope everyone has a great Holiday break.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Question 3- communication and sex

This is a communication class and several topics were covered such as community, relationships, cultures and gender. The one topic that truly surprised me was the small section on sex. I think that communication plays a key role in a couple’s relationship. Sex/ making love are also an important role within that same relationship. I would like to see communication on sex at the various age levels and within the family unit. Sex is still a taboo topic in many families and cultures when raising children. I think this topic could be a reason why students in college become promiscuous in college. Just like students who come from a strict household, they may become the party animals in college because it is a forbidden evil that young adults now have the freedom to “taste” without having a family member judging them. Other cultures/ religions use guilt to tame unacceptable behaviors but once in college it is as if the flood gates have opened and we are free to try new experiences without consequences from our parents.

Question 2-What was your favorite thing about this class?

2.           I enjoyed the discussion boards and reading everyone’s insight on how they interpreted the readings and related it to their lives. I enjoyed reading this textbook and it was easy to read. I like the fact that I could read a concept like communication in relationships and understand it but then receive a new perspective on the same topic by reading how someone else in the class understood the material. This helped me understand the concept of listening and hearing what people said.
                The least favorite thing about this class was the timed quizzes/ midterm. I personally freeze up when it comes to being timed on a test or quiz. I can’t say why but whenever I take a timed test I get extremely nervous and anxious and can’t think straight. Luckily I have passed all the quizzes but they have had a severe effect on my overall grade. I think quizzes should not be timed or they should be for the same amount of time an individual would receive in a normal sit down class room.
I really enjoyed this course and the only thing that I can think of to improve the class would be not to have the quizzes timed. Otherwise I enjoyed the content and interaction with other individuals.