Thursday, September 1, 2011

Transactional Model in Comm 10

Hi Everyone,
      On page 18 of our communications book it discusses the transactional  model. This type of communication explains how people take on the various roles during the communication process. Basically it means people are both receivers and transmitters at the same time. The textbook also brings up the fact that the individuals background/experience plays a role in the communication process along with acknowledging that noise is a factor in proper communication. I would like to share my experience this week of communication within this course as an example. I am not knowledgeable on how blogs work. In fact I have been posting responses to my classmates but once I posted my response I could no longer see it after refreshing my page, so I would post it again. I apologize to those who have several posts on the same topic from me. I could not figure out what was going on. Luckily we have a very nice and knowledgeable instructor who was quick to respond to an e-mail I sent her stating I didn't know what was happening and I was getting frustrated. She communicated with me through e-mail and by phone to get this issue resolved. She was able to figure out that my first blog was being sent as spam (the noise that caused interference) for some reason. I never would have thought of that.
      My mom works and teaches in the hospitality industry and she is always telling my sister and I that "communication is the key to success". I have to agree with her 100% after these last few days. I can only say thank you Professor you rock! I was very uneasy about this class but you have put me at ease by being an awesome communicator and instructor. I am really looking forward to the rest of the semester.


  1. Hey Katrina!
    Great entry! Your Mom is absolutely correct about communication being “the key to success”. There have been some on-line classes that I have taken where I thought the professor lacked communication skills. I think whoever is teaching a class on-line must communicate well in order for a class to be successful and students taking the class must communicate well as well. It soothes me to hear about our Professor actually taking the time to guide you through the error rather than telling you who to call to get help. Getting frustrated at the beginning of class can set the tone for the rest of the semester so I am glad the communication was great for you :)

  2. This is the first post I've seen about the Transactional Model and its a great post! You simplified it perfectly. It's such an important part of communication because we have to play both roles sometimes as sender and receiver in order to be more diverse. Our cultures play a huge role in communication and vice versa. I also agree with your mom communication is the key to success and is the basis of life in my opinion.
