Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Conservative on A Liberal Campus

1.       Being a conservative in a liberal area makes it hard to discuss politics rationally. I understand politics gets very heated and many teachers at San Jose State like to impose their liberal view points on students.  However, if you start a classroom discussion you should be open to hear an opposing opinion. But no, instead I am told “I am flat out wrong”, my views “don’t make sense”, and I have even had an instructor tell me “your opinion doesn’t count”. I replied, “Then why did you ask for my opinion”? Treating a student with disconfirming responses makes that individual feel belittled.  I do get defensive in these types of altercations because I believe I am entitled to my own opinion and I am okay with people being democrats, liberals, republicans, independents, conservatives or anything else. Having various viewpoints makes the country better off in the long run.  
       I found it interesting that some students stated they disagreed with me but they did feel I had the right to express my views and the teacher shouldn’t be so demeaning toward me. Other students agreed with the instructor and took verbal jabs at me.  Five of six of the Gibbs defensive communication language which is found on page 207 of our textbook was used during the class discussion; they are evaluation, certainty, strategy, control, and superiority. The only one not used was neutrality.



  1. Dear Katrina,

    I would be the one who would tell the professor that what they did was unfair in front of the whole class if I was in that same room with you at the time! No matter what the situation or discussion is about, we should always have an open mind to it without any clouded minds because that is what makes an effective listener and communicator. Whenever I try to bring up about my religious beliefs to people, everyone tries to target me and say how my religion does not matter as much as Roman-Catholicism without listening to what I have to say. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in, and the best way to live it out is to not be close-minded, but to be open-minded with respect and manner.

    - Jeff!

  2. Hi Katrina,

    I agree with you that people should listen to your opinion, and understand that it is different and accept it. This is what makes us individuals, forming our own opinions, and being knowledgable of why we feel the way we do. Understanding and acceptance are the keys to this, and it's the only way we can ever be open in sharing conflicting opinions. I will admit when I feel very passionate about my opinion, it is harder for me to accept others, but hearing the other side of it makes me want to work on this and be more aware that just because it is my opinion, doesn't mean it's right or that it's the only one.
