Wednesday, October 19, 2011


1.           In Chapter 8 the section on Investment located on page 198 of the textbook hit home with me. Since I will be leaving San Jose State University soon I have started realizing that I will be losing some friendships that I hold very dear and close. According to the textbook investments are defined as “relationships we could not retrieve if the relationship were to end”. I have many close friends who I have already started telling we have to keep in touch and visit each other. Some of the guys tell me well you call me and we will talk. I state it goes both ways you need to call me as well. They then state they don’t really call friends, but they will text me.
     In reflecting back on my time in college I realize there are many friendships/relationships that I have let go over the years for one reason or another. Mainly we have grown apart because they moved off campus after their sophomore year or they have left school and we never kept in contact. Those initial investments I will never regain as we cannot get back lost time. This is a reminder that not all relationships have equal investments. Just because I am friends with an individual does not mean he/she invests the same amount of energy as I do in to the ongoing relationship and vice a verse that I may not be the one investing the same amount of energy as the other individual.
      Investing in a relationship is an ongoing process and once you let go of that friendship it is difficult to get it back because of the laps in time. I can only advise to choose wisely and remember you get what you put into a relationship including friendships. If you invest your time and build a strong relation then you will have a solid return on your investment.

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