Monday, November 7, 2011


1.            I am in a relationship were we both are committed to each other but we are not in love (it may lead to love later but right now we are good friends). We support each other with words of encouragement. He plays professional football and encourages me to finish college and continue on with my education so I can be a sports therapist. I watch his games on T.V. and go to them when his team visits the west coast to play. I text him good luck messages before every game and he responses “Thanks Doll”. He texts me messages when I have a mid-term and finals wishing me luck. We talk on the phone but cannot see each other as I am in school on the west coast and he plays for a team on the east coast.
     According to our textbook on page 278, “commitment is the intention to remain involved in a relationship”. We are both committed to stay active in each other’s lives by open communication and staying in touch. We talk at least once a week and text each other several times. It is a good thing technology has advanced as far as it has otherwise it would not be as easy to be committed to our relationship. He does have a picture of us up in his locker and I have another picture of us on my cell phone which helps serve as a reminder that we want to know how each other are doing at any given time.
                         On the opposite side is a relationship that has love but no commitment. My best friend from elementary school and I love each other like sisters. But we hardly communicate with each other because we are busy and accept that. However, if she ever called me and needed help I would be there for her in a minute and she knows that. Just like I know if I have a problem I can get help from her.
                         A love relationship you know will always be there even if you don’t have constant communication going back and forth. However, the committed relationship takes more time and focus to make sure it endures for time. If you stop communicating in a committed relationship the time and effort you put into can be wasted as the relationship could end. It is important to stay in a committed relationship and invest time in it if you want to grow into some form of love. There are many types of love: friendship love, family love, and relationship/romantic love. Once the committed relationship has turned to love you will always be able to communicate with that individual even if there has been a lapse in time.


  1. You gave an interesting aspect of committed relationships that don’t involve love. In my mind, when I read the question I only thought of married couples that aren’t in love anymore , but will not get a divorce. From hearing your take, I now understand that there can also be relationships that just aren’t at the stage of love yet. Relationships with love and no commitment are also possible. For example, there is no stated commitment of a friendship, but usually you stay around because of how much you love your friend and want to be there for them. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Katrina,

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I enjoyed reading about your personal story of your committed relationship because especially when one is in a relationship with someone who plays pro sports, that is not easy to maintain the relationship if you are both on opposites sides of the country. However, if both parties are committed that means they are willing to go by means of communicating either by phone, text, internet, any means possible to keep up the relationship. Although, love is not there yet, commitment is and that matters to keep the relationship flowing and alive. Having that commitment can lead to love, it all depends on both parties and where they stand at the end of the day.
    I admire you and your boyfriend for staying committed and for remaining good friends. That is the best way to start a relationship in most cases. To take things slow especially if you are unable to see each other not too often.
    I wish you all the best in your relationship, and thank you for sharing.

    Great post overall!

    -little miss daisy

  3. It is interesting that you are accepting your relationship as commitment without love being present. I agree with you about how a relationship usually is commitment at first, which later leads to love later on down the road. If people are not willing to be committed to each other, then there is no way that love can survive in that sort of a relationship. I once read somewhere that love is the manifestation of admiration of a significant other. Admiration can only manifest with time and commitment
