Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Safe Sex

1.                   I am surprised to read about safe sex in a communications book. However, I did find the section on page 290 titled Practice Safe Sex very enlightening. This section provided statistical information on how many people had become infected with HIV in 2006. I must admit I am very surprised in this day of sex education and the promotion of condom use that there are so many transmitted sexual diseases. The textbook states that “one in four girls ages 14-19 is infected with a common STD”(Wood, 2010).
             The textbook discusses reasons why people have unsafe sex. Two reasons they mention are drugs and alcohol impair a person’s judgment. The study they did in a college setting found that people who heavily drank did not take precautions when having sex.  Another reason individuals do not take precautions are because they believe it won’t happen to them. This is a big misconception that people have about various aspects of life. People need to accept and understand that anything can happen to anyone on any given day or at any given time. People think they won’t be a victim of crime, or get caught drinking and driving, or get an STD because they hang out with the right people. Their friends will keep them out of trouble or these types of things don’t happen to people like them….they happen to “other people”. There is a saying “Ignorance is bliss” but really ignorance is only bliss until it happens to you, then it is no longer bliss.  I can only encourage people to be aware of their surrounds and to take care of their body because you only get one body. Once you contract a disease that effects the rest of your life you will regret being ignorant to the issue.
            One word of advice my mother gave to me about having sex or making love as she put it. Know who your partner has made love with in the past because as soon as you sleep with that individual you have slept with everyone he/she has had intercourse with. That's the true meaning of safe sex from my moms point of view.
I hope this advice helps,

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with what you said. Kids nowadays are having sex at such a young age, and not thinking about all the problems that might come with it, or what we're talking about right now STD's. There are so many diseases you can have from just having sex with someone. You don't ever know what disease someone has until it's too late and you get it. People have to be more aware of the people they're with and use protection. There are so many people in the world with STD's, most are untreatable. Your mom is completely right, as soon as you had sex with your partner, you've had sex with everyone who they've had sex with and who knows how many people that is and who might have a STD.
