Monday, November 14, 2011

Family for Me

I define family as a group of individuals who love and support each other during a specific time period. I have several families currently in my life. I have my blood family (mom, sister, aunts, and cousins). I have my college family (which is my roommate, friends, and apartment complex friends). I also have my long distance family (which are those individuals who live in Morgantown, WV or use to live there). In all my families we offer advice to each other, have debates (which could be seen as arguing), we love each other, help each other out, and support each other when times are good or bad.
 I do not fit into the type of family that is gay or lesbian. My aunt is homosexual (lesbian) but my grandparents (her parents were heterosexual). My parents were heterosexual (my father is deceased) my mom chooses to stay single at this time in her life but I think she will remarry later or find a heterosexual partner for life. My sister is getting married this month to her boyfriend that she meant while at SJSU. 


  1. I completely agree with your definition of family. Family does not need to be limited to the group of people you were born into and are directly related to. I, too, would describe myself as having multiple families. I think it’s important to have more than one, because there may be times in your life where your biological family doesn’t support you or you have a disagreement, and being able to go to another family for that support is important. While I think biological families that are mostly heterosexual like yours are more common, I believe homosexual families are starting to become more common than they used to.

    Congrats to your sister!

  2. I like your definition of family, which is a group of people who care and love each other. I agree with that because everyone can be our family member as long as they care about us. I always consider my closest group of friends as my family members, because they are the one who support me or argue with me when I came up with some crazy ideas. Of course, my biological family also support and care about me. Family members will not leave you when you are in trouble, but they will help you get out of that trouble. Thank you for sharing and congratulation to your sister!
