Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Personal Changes

. In chapter 10 the part of the chapter that stuck with me was the section on “Personal Changes” under the external pressures section. This topic is close to home for me as I get ready to graduate and move across country. I realize that as we grown and have life changes that our friendships change as well. On page 266 of the textbook it states, “The people you spent time with and counted as friends shifted when you started high school, entered college, or moved to a new town”. This statement made me reflect on my times in high school. I realize that I do not keep in contact with anyone that I was friends with in high school. I went to high school in El Paso, TX as my father was in the military at the time. Most of my friends who were from military families now live in other states. I know this because my sister and I shared some of the same friends in high school and she keeps in touch with them through Facebook. I guess I wasn’t really committed to keeping in touch and I didn’t put any effort into staying friends. I do plan on being committed in keeping in touch with three of my best guy friends after college. We have already planned and booked a trip to Las Vegas for 2012.


  1. When I read that line I also reflected on past relationships. It made me sad to think of some of the people I wish I’d stayed in touch with. However, even though I’d want to, I realize that it’s not entirely possible to keep in touch with everyone from my past while also trying to move forward and make new friends now. It’s good though that you recognized that you weren’t committed to your high school friendships after highschool because now you can decide to be committed to your college relationships after college. Recognizing the issue and learning from past mistakes makes all the difference for making future relationships better.

  2. Katrina,

    That's so awesome you have a trip booked with your friends and plan on keeping in touch with them. I totally agree that you choose to stay in touch with people, and put effort into talking to people you don't see everyday. I also don't talk to many people I graduated high school with, mostly because I immediately stopped putting effort into the friendship. I did this because I changed as a person and grew up and out of all the drama from high school. Many of my friends went to different colleges, so we lost touch and became consumed with our new lives.

  3. Yeah the past has a way with our feelings. Looking back always brings a smile. We can only do so much to keep in touch with those we know as all of our live change, sometimes radically, other times not so much. Lucky for us it is easier than in the past, but still life can very easily get in the way and people become distracted. We as people can only put so much time, energy, and INVESTMENT in people we want to stay in contact with. Glad to hear you are vacationing, often times finances are the only thing keeping me from doing the same more often. Still, I’ve come to accept that we cant please everyone and letting go is just part of life.
