Sunday, September 25, 2011

Don't be a Pseudolistener while watching TV

In chapter six of out textbook the author discusses six types of non-listening patterns. These six patterns are: Pseudolistening, Monopolizing, Selective Listening, Defensive Listening, Ambushing, and Literal Listening.  While each of these six forms of non-listening have taken place at some point in my life I believe that pseudolistening is the most prevalent in my current life now, especially on Saturday and Sundays. I enjoy watching college and professional football (yes, I yell at the T.V.-I know they can’t hear me). So if someone is trying to talk to me while I am watching a game either in person or on the T.V. I really don’t pay attention to what they are saying and most times I simply agree. The definition according to the textbook of pseudolistening “is pretending to listen” (Wood, 2011). I am definitely guilty of not listening to people while watching football.
                I have taken a proactive measure in no longer being a pseudolistener during football games.  I now DVR all my games even if I am actively watching them so I can stop the game. This allows me to listen actively to the individual speaking with me and then return to where I left off on the game without missing a beat. 


  1. Dear Katrina,

    I like how you mention that all six types of non-listening have taken place into your life at some point because when I look back at my life for these non-listening types, I find them too! :(

    I also share the pseudolistening type with you whenever I play online video games because I get into the game so much that my attention has drifted from reality; unfortunately, I cannot pause online games when I am in a game room because they are public and continue to run whether I am away or not.

    My family and past girlfriends would usually get mad at me for pretending to listen, and so I found a way to stop the bad habit by pressing the "off" button on the television when I can see the person trying to talk to me really needs to have a moment even though it hurts to ruin my game score.

    Thanks for your input Katrina! Hope you will get over your pseudolistening habit too!


  2. Katrina,

    Thats awesome that you DVR now just to be more courteous to someone that is talking to you. They should know better than to interrupt your game!! ;) I am also guilty of pseudolistening while watching TV, if one of my favorite shows is on and I'm really into it, I will completely ignore someone if they start talking to me. In order to stop myself from doing this, I just mute the TV and turn to face whoever is talking to me, in order to give them my full attention. The show can be re-run but someone might not be so willing to share what they were talking about with you after you ignore them for a TV show. Good post!

  3. I like how you put pseudolistening in to a real life example. I’m sure your not the only one who does this during games. I too am really bad at this but like i said in one of my post I do that at my job. I know that sounds bad but sometimes customers can talk all day! And I have to get my work done fast. I really hate to be rude but sometimes you have to pretend to listen to not hurt someones feelings. However I really thought this was an interesting topic because i have a habit of this and I didn’t know there was a word for it!
