Wednesday, September 14, 2011

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all!

According to the website hate speech in the United States is geared toward racism and anti-Semitic speech. This means this type of poisonous communication in protected by the First Amendment as freedom of speech. However if people use language that is libel or has profanity such as obscene words then it is not protect by the First Amendment.  I did not realize that profanity such as using cuss words were not protected by Freedom of speech. I don’t understand how hate language such as racist remarks are protected by the First Amendment when there are laws against hate crimes. I personally feel that racist remarks when said to hurt someone should not be acceptable in our society. I must say in the words of Avenue Q (a musical) “Everyone is a little bit racist” whether we want to acknowledge it or not.
            Our government has already become so involved in our personal lives, which I don’t think they should have the right to monitor us. However, if people have nothing better to do with their lives then spew hatred through the web or other means then let them. We don’t have to acknowledge their ignorance nor do we have to tolerate it by listening to them. Just tune into something else, which will only upset them even more. 

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