Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Generations Past versus today

     I spoke with Jeri a 46 year old female about how things were when she was 20 years old. Jeri stated that women played sports competitively in college thanks to Title IX passing back in the 1970’s. She did state that women were still supposed to behave in a lady like manner. She grew up in a very strict Catholic family and attended Catholic schools from 1st grade through her sophomore year of college. Women, when she was twenty either were in college or starting a family. Her goals were to obtain a college degree, start a career, get married and start a family by the time she was twenty-five. She said that she attended college for two years, met her future husband, got married and had two children by the time she was twenty-two. The behaviors that were inappropriate for a twenty year old woman in her time would have been getting drunk, sleeping around with multiple partners, doing drugs, and acting recklessly. Jeri doesn’t really recall any inappropriate goals unless acting in a reckless manner was an individual’s goal. Inappropriate attitudes would be acting in a racist manner toward others.  She finally stated, “my parents paid for my car, college, and provided me an allowance while in college once I got married my parents stated it was up me and my husband to support ourselves and whatever family we may have in the future”.
            I spoke with Berry a 44 year old male about how his life was when he was twenty years old. He stated when he was twenty men were expected to either be in some form of college (including a college for technical training), working, or in the military. “I was expected to be able to support myself and pay my own bills without the help of my parents. However, if I needed a few extra dollars my mom would give me some money without telling my dad”. Men were expected to sow their oats (so to speak) before settling down and starting a family. He stated, “my father would say date as many women as possible so you know what you want in a woman when you go looking for a wife”. Inappropriate behavior for guys that were twenty would be getting caught drinking, doing drugs, stealing, being in a gang, and breaking laws that would land you in jail. It was okay to get a ticket for speeding but that’s it. Attitudes that were unacceptable back then were thinking a particular race was better than another. Berry said, “We were all equal as long as you belonged in this country. The 1980’s under the Regan presidency life was good, there were job opportunities, crime had dropped, and people respected each other for the most part.”
            I spoke with Carol who is 65 years old.  She stated that back in the 1960’s when she was twenty young women were most likely to be married and raising a family. She did state there were women in college but since she grew up in the 1950’s she was taught that women were to take care of the household and raise the children. Things that were unacceptable in her family were using cuss words, taking the Lords name in vain, dressing in an improper manner, and you did not have sex until you were married. She did state she was twenty during the Vietnam War and people did start becoming hippies, having lots of sex, drugs, and protesting the government’s involvement in the war during her twenty-something age period. She states there were certain jobs that were acceptable for women to work in. The women’s liberation movement took place while Carol was in her twenties so many women expressed themselves in various ways. Carol stated, “I was born and raised in a very strict military household. Even when I was twenty I was still living at home due to the boys being off at war. I watched other young women participate in the liberation movement but I knew it would not be acceptable for me to take an active role in according to my family’s values”. It was a wild time period for the country and many young people were distancing themselves from how their parents wanted them to behave.
            The final interview was with David he is 64 years old. He served in the Vietnam War. He stated, “ the country was in a strange place during my twenties, I think I might have been better off at war then trying to pick a side stateside”. He said many of his friends that he grew up with either went to college or fled to Canada so they would not have to fight in the war”. David didn’t mind being in the military in fact he said he enjoyed it. He said from what he remembers of the time period everyone was doing whatever they wanted which included sex, drugs, protesting peacefully, and getting arrested. The country was in an uproar as soldiers who came back were greeted one of two ways, they were either spit on or thanked, there was no in between. David said, “I think it was hard on everyone. Parents didn’t know what to do with their adult children as they wouldn’t listen. Woodstock happened when I was in my twenties, that was music, drugs, and free love. What guy wouldn’t want that but what father would want his daughter to go?”  It was a time period when civil rights were a main concern to all people according to David.
            In looking back on the conversations I had with these individuals a lot has changed. In today’s society the military is voluntary so there is no draft even though men are required to register in case it is implemented in the future. Sex has become a more open issue and protection is the main concern so people don’t share STD’s and HIV. I think  we are still the same when it comes to either getting a job, going in the military, or going to college after high school. Yes, there are some people who get married before they are 18 but I think the majority of people wait until they are in their mid to late twenties now. Yes, drugs and alcohol are still an issue but maybe not as big of an issue from the 60’s but more concerning now then from the 80’s. The economy didn’t seem to be too much of issue with either of the previous generations but it is for us now, especially if you are going to be graduating within the next year. People swear a lot now of days, the music has changed to include swear words and violence is more in your face compared to past generations.Almost anything is acceptable now a days under the freedom of speech.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Katrina,
    Did you enjoy talking to these people and asking them to reminisce about their twenties? I know I had fun talking to people I was close with. I feel like people enjoy reminiscing about their life, and one’s twenties are an especially fond time period. It was interesting to read how different all four experiences were. The differences between genders was also something to notice. I find Carol and David’s time period the most interesting- women stayed at home while the men went off to war. Things have definitely changed if you compare their twenties to today’s. I also appreciated your commentary at the end, I think your observations about today’s twenty year olds were quite accurate.
