Friday, September 9, 2011

The Hidden Area

The Johari Window found on page 57 of our textbook is very interesting to read and understand. There are four windows which are defined as: Open Area, Blind Area, Hidden Area, and Unknown Area. I think the majority of us have a Hidden Area that we allow very few people to share with us. The Hidden Area is defined in the textbook as the area “we know about ourselves but choose not to reveal to most others”. Honestly how many of us want to acknowledge let alone share our vulnerabilities?
            I know I have faults and I am not perfect. I also know there are certain things I am more vulnerable to than others but that doesn’t mean I would want others to know that especially when I am having an I-It or I-You conversation. I would have to feel extremely comfortable with another person in the I-Thou level to be open up enough to share these most private aspects of me as an individual. Currently the only two people in my life that I would share my hidden area with would be my mom and my sister.


  1. I had never heard of this concept before, but nonetheless, found it very useful. It is always interesting to me to see diagrams of how we perceive ourselves or others. I think a lot of us do personal reflections, but never think of it in any categorical sense. I also agree that the Hidden Area is something we do not share often with others because it makes us vulnerable. I think everyone has insecurities and personal matters that they keep in this area, and by sharing it with others makes us face the truth or consequences of what is kept here. I see the Johari Window as a way to examine our relationships with others as well. Usually the trust and comfort that you have with someone determines how much you disclose to them. Sometimes we are more open with one person, but close ourselves off completely to another.

  2. I found this concept really interesting as well. Especially the hidden area because I feel that we all have this even if we have a hard time admitting it. We often here people say their life is an open book, or that they tell so and so EVERYTHING, but this hidden area of the Johari window is something that we may even deny to ourselves. Meaning some of us have secrets or fears that we may even shut out of our own minds in order to get by each day without facing the fear, pain, etc. I can see how moving these secrets to the open window may benefit people in the end, but at the same time it is much easier said than done. Some people feel as though they have everything to lose. There have even been cases where family members have kicked out others based on them disclosing something to them. It's sad to think that once a person got something like that off their chest that other people might make them feel horrible for something they can't change. I have to admit that there is something about me that I have never told a soul, and I have found myself debating on whether I want to move this into the open area of my life. I carry this fear of everything that will come when I do. Great topic.
